Wednesday 5/26/10
Floor Press (p= paused)
1x5x135 (p)
1x5x185 (p)
1x3x205 (p...3 seconds)
1x3x225 (p...3 seconds)
1x1x245 (p...3)
1x0x265 (tired out, could have gotten it earlier, 3 sec p)
1x3x225 (p..2)
1x2x225 (p...3)
1x5x135 (paused on pins cgbp)
1x3x135 paused explosive cg
1x3x185 (no pause)
High Pulls
DB low incline bench
Comments: Great workout, I absolutely LOVED floor press. My shoulders and triceps really burned but no pain, I think this is really the way to go for safe shoulders. I'm gonna max out Friday so I went 3x3,3x2, now heavy paused floor press, then max. High pulls went great as usual. DB bench really highlighted how going low made my shoulders hurt a little. Squats were brutal, but I really feel my form improving and by the 4th set it felt actually much easier as my form improved. I talked to the guy working at the gym and he was around thatblokes strength, pretty strong guy