Just turned 23 years old
5'8.5" 150 lbs (was about 165 lost 20lbs during basic training. Was about 8% bf then. Put back on 5lbs so far). Around 10% now. Been training consistently for 3 years. Started at 5'8" 120lbs in 2009. Looking to start my first cycle. Been researching for about 3 months. Wanted review on it.
8 week cycle
100mg EOD test propionate 8 weeks
Want to put on lean mass without water retention so figure test prop would be best option out of different testosterones available
100 iu HCG daily (start week after first shot; stop end of week 6)
Research I did shows this dosage helps mimic normal LH levels without causing desensitization. Also what I read is helps for smooth transition to PCT and quicker recovery since system isn't completely shot when taking HCG.
40 mcg IGF LR3 daily in two doses (start week 1 stop week 7)
Research I did showed best results are shown with cycle no longer than 50 days. Using to strengthen tendons during cycle since test decreases collagen synthesis dramatically which leads to weak tendons.
.25 mg Arimidex daily 8 weeks
Prevent gyno on cycle.
Eat clean. 4000-5000 calories a day. Upwards of 250 grams of protein a day with atleast 500-700 grams carbs. Use rice and pasta for carbs usually. Don't like bread too much because of bloating. Use chicken, steak and fish for main sources of protein. Have protein shake after workout and sometimes one at night also if neccessary to hit my macros.
Been doing strength training for past two years. Olympic lifting. Snatches, cleans, jerks, squats. I add some powerlifting like deadlifts also. Army has me doing bodybuilding stuff lately too. Training I'm in now (since I'm out of basic now) will have me working out 2 to 3 times a day all before lunch with weekends off. Alot of crossfit style stuff 3 times a week (Monday Wednesday Friday). Running and rucking twice a week usually Tuesday Thursday. Depending on if it's easy and not tired will try to throw in a body building workout in there too.
That's what I've got. This site to has vast knowledgable base and alot of experienced users. I would love to here y'all's thoughts on everything. Thanks in advance.
Just turned 23 years old
5'8.5" 150 lbs (was about 165 lost 20lbs during basic training. Was about 8% bf then. Put back on 5lbs so far). Around 10% now. Been training consistently for 3 years. Started at 5'8" 120lbs in 2009. Looking to start my first cycle. Been researching for about 3 months. Wanted review on it.
8 week cycle
100mg EOD test propionate 8 weeks
Want to put on lean mass without water retention so figure test prop would be best option out of different testosterones available
100 iu HCG daily (start week after first shot; stop end of week 6)
Research I did shows this dosage helps mimic normal LH levels without causing desensitization. Also what I read is helps for smooth transition to PCT and quicker recovery since system isn't completely shot when taking HCG.
40 mcg IGF LR3 daily in two doses (start week 1 stop week 7)
Research I did showed best results are shown with cycle no longer than 50 days. Using to strengthen tendons during cycle since test decreases collagen synthesis dramatically which leads to weak tendons.
.25 mg Arimidex daily 8 weeks
Prevent gyno on cycle.
Eat clean. 4000-5000 calories a day. Upwards of 250 grams of protein a day with atleast 500-700 grams carbs. Use rice and pasta for carbs usually. Don't like bread too much because of bloating. Use chicken, steak and fish for main sources of protein. Have protein shake after workout and sometimes one at night also if neccessary to hit my macros.
Been doing strength training for past two years. Olympic lifting. Snatches, cleans, jerks, squats. I add some powerlifting like deadlifts also. Army has me doing bodybuilding stuff lately too. Training I'm in now (since I'm out of basic now) will have me working out 2 to 3 times a day all before lunch with weekends off. Alot of crossfit style stuff 3 times a week (Monday Wednesday Friday). Running and rucking twice a week usually Tuesday Thursday. Depending on if it's easy and not tired will try to throw in a body building workout in there too.
That's what I've got. This site to has vast knowledgable base and alot of experienced users. I would love to here y'all's thoughts on everything. Thanks in advance.