Day 5 of Week 3
This was a preload workout, preparing me for the heavier weight I will experience on Monday. Hit most of my numbers easily. Squats were especially easy this time. Bench was still difficult, but I'm confident I can get the weight 5 times on Monday. Hard to say if the jack3d and carbs helped, definitely didn't hurt. And it also gave me a huge bicep pump when I did BB curls. Its the first time I could feel my pulse in my upper inner bicep after a set. Crazy veins too, despite being closer to 20% bf than 10%. I made it a point to do them slowly, using the same weight I normally do. Saw a youtube video recently of a pro bb'er describing his curl technique, and his description was excellent. Imagine your hand and forearm as a scoop, and your bicep propelling the scoop up. Which has the effect that instead of relying on your forearms to do some of the work, your bicep has to do everything. This helped a lot too, but I was surprised to get 125x8 so easily using almost zero momentum. Maybe will try for 135 next time. Good workout. The change in my body so far is subtle, but I can definitely tell I'm getting thicker and having more a more dramatic shape.
This being the end of week 3 and forma + full hcgen dose on the way I'm hoping the best of the gains are to come, but even without any uptick in strength growth, I'm quite happy adding 5lbs to my bench every week. Forma by the way takes 1 week to reach peak levels. I will run the forma and hcgen through the cycle and drop only the forma before starting PCT.
This was a preload workout, preparing me for the heavier weight I will experience on Monday. Hit most of my numbers easily. Squats were especially easy this time. Bench was still difficult, but I'm confident I can get the weight 5 times on Monday. Hard to say if the jack3d and carbs helped, definitely didn't hurt. And it also gave me a huge bicep pump when I did BB curls. Its the first time I could feel my pulse in my upper inner bicep after a set. Crazy veins too, despite being closer to 20% bf than 10%. I made it a point to do them slowly, using the same weight I normally do. Saw a youtube video recently of a pro bb'er describing his curl technique, and his description was excellent. Imagine your hand and forearm as a scoop, and your bicep propelling the scoop up. Which has the effect that instead of relying on your forearms to do some of the work, your bicep has to do everything. This helped a lot too, but I was surprised to get 125x8 so easily using almost zero momentum. Maybe will try for 135 next time. Good workout. The change in my body so far is subtle, but I can definitely tell I'm getting thicker and having more a more dramatic shape.
This being the end of week 3 and forma + full hcgen dose on the way I'm hoping the best of the gains are to come, but even without any uptick in strength growth, I'm quite happy adding 5lbs to my bench every week. Forma by the way takes 1 week to reach peak levels. I will run the forma and hcgen through the cycle and drop only the forma before starting PCT.