New member
Thanks Jdid, i am going to see that probodybuilder that lives near me tomorrow. He said he wouldn't mind sitting down with me and looking over my routine, telling me what works and what doesn't, giving me suggestions.
Before i go though, i ask this for a final time. Rep Range, and Set range. Is it entirely what i want to go for? Or since you guys know my lifts a bit better, you suggest something else. should i stick to the old 5 reps, 3 sets for every lift i do, including calves etc. Or should i do 8reps on all my lifts, and more sets?
What is suggested? And since its sort of a split now, the rep and set ranges are different are they not? So what do i want to be aiming for? Any clarification on this?
Wow- pro BBer- that's awesome!!!!! just make sure he doesn't give you some ridiculous routine with tons of volume if he does give you one.
For sets/reps, it should depend on your goals. Maybe you'd enjoy something like this;
Back Squat- 3x5-8 (once you hit 8 reps with a given weight, move up and do that weight until you can hit 5 reps again. I would go back in weight to maybe 125 or 130 so you have more room for progression)
Military Press- 3x3- (doing these with higher reps can get really frustrating sometimes. I think for you, seeing the weight go up if you were to start with something like 80 lbs would be really good.)
Pullups/Chinups- 3-5 sets sub failure
Pullthroughs- 3x12
Calves- 5x15 (if you want to do calves that is..... hit them heavy and hard!)
Bench Press- 3x5 (you seem to be progressing nicely with this.)
Row- 3x8 (just a suggestion. not going to matter if you do something like 3x5)
Lunges- 3x20 (10 per leg)
Tricep Isolation
Deadlift- 2x3 (just a suggestion once again. I wouldn't go higher than 5-6 reps for more than 2-3 sets).
Front Squat- 3x5
Dips- 3-5 sets sub failure
Curl Variant
Calves- 5x15
Good luck and let us know how the convo with the BBer goes.