Yep, I have fibromyalgia - diagnosed in June 2001.
Played around with a couple of different protocols for it - tried a great many things - even the guai protocol - which worked well to a degree. The last thing I wanted was to end up doped up on painkillers.
My only "med" was an occasional soma for the lower back muscle craps I get before my period. I think it's PMS-related magnesium deficiency, rather than fibro, because it cycles around my period, and extra magnesium pretty much takes care of it - and I've dropped the soma, too.
I researched some of the more promising pharmaceutical treatments (heparin therapy, antibiotic therapy, etc.) and duplicated them using natural "alternative" medicine, which helped a great deal.
Also decided to try an experimental homeopathic protocol that did wonders for my condition. Started it in February 2002 and went into remission in June 2002, and have done nothing but improve since. More info at
Actually, I don't even consider myself as "having" FMS anymore - since it just is no longer an issue in my life. I need a little more sleep than I used to, but then again I used to live on 5 hours a night. Need to warm up a little longer before working out, and add weight a little slower than I used, and definitely need a cool-down session (stretches). Other than that - I'm back at my two jobs (home biz & 9-5'r), functioning normally, able to exercise, able to sleep normally and play and have fun.
I've done as much research as anyone without a medical career can do on the condition, and my personal conclusion is that it is a neuroendocrine disorder caused by cortisol-induced damage to the hypothalmus. This causes a cascade of both endocrine disorders and neurological imbalances that result in the wide and weird array of symptoms - everything from the interstitial bladder disorder (caused by faulty calcitonin regulation) to the heart palpitations (caused by pancreas disregulation) to the sleep disorders (caused by over-calcification of the pineal gland and adrenal exhaustion).
Anyway, that's my take on the disease. The Custom Homeopathics and the "home-made" medical treatments together did the job, and I seem to be a whole and functioning human again.