If you're looking for high intensity performance (ex: a lot of intense cardio), you might have to run a modified TKD and Bodyopus - an anabolic/evo hybrid; timing the carbs and supercompensation around your high intensity cardio (or whatever it may be).
Ketogenic states are discussed in a myriad of scientific journals and medical publications - none of this is your or my view; this is medical fact. While, in theory, you can lower your carbs and hope ketosis comes; in reality, it's best to follow a higher fat diet which allows for a faster metabolic switch.
Over half the dieters who start any ketogenic diet, don't finish it because the first 2 weeks are terrible (it's much easier after the 2 when the metabolic shift happens). At the same time, most guys are not running ketogenic variations correctly; therefore, they suffer badly. They think they "low carb" and get into ketosis automatically, that's not true at all - you need to run a proper anabolic or bodyopus diet to get into ketosis fast. The use of high protein during a low carb diet will prevent ketosis because the body easily utilizes protein at a 58% rate. (ref below)
Jungas RL et. al. Quantitative analysis of amino acid oxidation and related gluconeogenesis in humans. Physiological Reviews (1992) 72: 419-448