Imnotdutch, I totally agree with you. You are familiar with my bulking and cutting diets all over the women's board, and my opinion that fat is just more weight to move (concrete supports more weight than mud). I, too, eat plenty, but not too much, just what I need based on what my body is telling me. One of the things I like best about my training is that I seem to be able to eat enough to train hard, and stay lean at the same time. When I start cutting for my BB comp in December I have no plans to change my training for this very reason. In terms of strength, there's a happy medium for me where I'm eating enough to keep strength, but lean enough to be FAST, which is more important to me. I feel like I get more out of being fast, than any additional leverage gain from fat would afford. The best part is, my body just seems to fall into it naturally, as you said, as long as I'm pay attention to its needs.