My first game this season tonight God I love football....although watching it is a lot easier on the ass then playing it. This year I watch with a new found understanding and respect. Just thought I'd share, I had a moment....ahhh..
Dolphins? What are you thinking Ms. Shagwell? You know who the team is...c' know!!! Do the Dolphins even have any fans? Does anyone even wear that silly orange anymore? Ha know I'm just messin.
Feelin beter Shaggs? No hangover? hope not..tonite i'm throwing a party at my house (going away party since I move to atlanta in the morning) I might post a lil bit on here with some drunk talk like yourself
ANyways, dolphins...they have it tough this year..SOrry but Jay Fiedler is not a quarterback..I cant believe they didnt go after a real number one starter...he's solid, reliable, but not anybody that can LEAD a NFL team..sorry
And the cade mcnown signing was a waste of money..
Sorry, but the AFC East is gonna be run by the Bills or Colts.. least you said I dressed like a BIG Florida orange. Naa...just wanted you to be able to see me from the sidelines since I've been sick and have shrunk down to a tiny lad. least you said I dressed like a BIG Florida orange. Naa...just wanted you to be able to see me from the sidelines since I've been sick and have shrunk down to a tiny lad.
LOL...the Bucs.....ppplllleeaazzz...Hanny you definately spent way too long in the sun this weekend. Go back to peeling off you skin, and stop typing such jibberish