The Steroids That Don't Count…..
Why your "Natural" bodybuilding champion is anything but
By Trevor Smith (very educated man) runs nuclear nutrition
Natural Mr. Olympia's…..Muscle Mania Grand Champions…..hell even some I.F.B.B. Pros like to use the "Natural" title to differentiate themselves from the "enhanced" bodybuilders and show that you can have an "enhanced" look without resorting to the dirty, naughty, bad, bad, bad world of bodybuilding pharmaceuticals.
Creatine, protein powder, amino acids and as of late….MAYBE some pro-hormones. That is all your Natural heroes will say that they use to build their physiques. You see them and think…."Oh my god…if he can do it I can do it" Yeah, he might not be the size of Ronnie Coleman or Dorian Yates…but he's still pretty big and he doesn't have to resort to taking steroids right? WRONG!
You see, the dirty little truth on you favorite NATURAL wonder is that it is a wonder they can look at themselves in the fucking mirror each day without puking. Taking a physique that would get lost in the shuffle if they ditched the "Natural" moniker, these tool sheds use small amounts of deca, primobolan, anavar, G.H. and then use T3 and Clenbuterol to obtain their shredded look. They compete in drug tested shows that are an absolute joke in terms of their drug testing procedures (because actually drug testing all the contestants would cost lots and lots of money) win some contests and then seek publicity for being as good as a large portion of the "Drug using" bodybuilders. They get their little endorsement contracts and appearances and plugs in the magazine extolling the virtues of their "Natural" stance and then quietly load up their G.H. and primobolan so they look nice and pretty for their next photo shoot with the hot fitness model that year.
If I sound pissed it is because this is a fucking disgusting aspect of the sport. I remained natural up until August of 1999. I know what it is like and what it takes to train as a drug free athlete and the thought of some 190lbs prick basking in the glory of being Natural and walking around with their pro card from some Natural organization all the while having used gear (whether in small amounts or not) for the majority of their years spent training makes me want to smash things.
I am all for Natural bodybuilding in its pure form, but how fucking pathetic must someone be to enter a show that has the bulk of the competitors actually being drug free and walk away looking like some "super-freak" because they spent the last six months on a course of gear. Look there is nothing wrong with being Natural and there is nothing wrong with using bodybuilding pharmaceuticals if that is your choice. But taking steroids and bullshitting everyone that you are natural is akin to entering peewee football at the age of 19.
Grow up…be a fucking man…and get it through your head; G.H., Anavar, Primobolan, Deca, Winstrol…etc. are all steroids. Just because you aren't using a testosterone doesn't mean you are natural. Oh, and gobbling up pro-hormones which convert to steroids in the blood stream is no different than jabbing yourself with a syringe full of deca in terms of "ethics"…whatever the hell they may be.