okay a few things are going on here...
#1 - You're eating way too many carbos. Looks like you are getting close to 550g carbos. You are pretty close to 3 times what you should be
#2 - A close second, you have virtually no fat in your diet
#3 - Protein intake is low as well
A couple of things to note: It's going to take you some time to figure out where your calories need to be. Calories should be based on TDEE (which can be found in a sticky at the top of the forum)... If you don't base your caloric intake on your TDEE, then I suggest basing it on BMR + a calculated caloric expenditure through your training and other daily activities.
No single diet is going to consistently work, you so have to change things up consistently... so that your body doesn't adapt.
I suggest mixing it up with CKD, TKD, Carb Cycling, etc. But first you have to figure out what carbs you respond well too. Oats, Sweet Potatoes, Beans are typically pretty safe bets. Whole grain brown rice (non instant) is good, however for some only marginally good. Flourless bread, such as ezekiel bread can be good as well. Low and medium low GI carbs are good for starters... But you have to figure out which ones you respond best to. Then as you start understanding your body, you can use high GI carbs surrounding your workouts.
I like to change things up every 2 weeks or so.
You are going to want to get good fats: fish oil pills, flax oil, all natural nut butters, almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts, ground flax seeds, macadamia nut oil, extra virgin olive oil, etc... I am especially fond of Omega Muscle EFA powder from protein factory. Has flax and fish oil.
You also want to make sure you are getting a steady flow of protein throughout the day. Use a smart implementation of whole food protein from chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs... mixed with casein, egg, and whey protein powders. Super plasma protein is a worthy addition as well.
You could start out with something like this:
Meal 1: 4 liquid egg whites, 2 whole eggs omega-3, 1/3 - 1/2 cup oats, 2 fish oil pills
Meal 2: 35g whey, 7-10g fat from EFA, 1/3 cup oats, fiber supp, 1 serving greens
Meal 3: 6oz chicken breast, 2 servings greens, 1 oz almonds, 1/2 cup black beans
Meal 4: 6oz lean beef, 120g sweet potato, tbspn mac oil, 2 servings greens
Meal 5: 25g casein protein, 4 liquid egg whites, 7-10g fat from EFA, 1-2 servings greens
Plus post workout shake with 30-40g carbs and 50g protein
Something like that would be a step in the right direction. You could adjust calories and macros to suit your individual needs.
You can start bringing in other carb sources when you find out what works for you. I'd take in 150-200g carbs, 300-350g protein, 50-70g fat to start and see where that leads you.