Now nobody in the gym in their right mind is going to do a McDonalds diet like that, BUT the guy who throws in some high cal meals here and there from a fast food place vs. the guy who eats clean all the time, the dude who junks up will be stronger and bigger over time. Guaranteed. Everybody has this big misconception about bodybuilding because the mainstream bullshit that is shoved down their throats. First off, 5 cans of tuna/day along w/ some rice will not make you grow. And what the fuck is the point of 400 grams of protien/day if your calories are hardly maintenance level? I'll tell you what it's all about, its pussy ass marketing ploys that supplement companies have between magazines that advocate over training so people buy more supplements thinking that's the real problem, when in fact their diet is the issue. I know one IFBB pro personally who cheats EVERY SINGLE DAY. He has a cheat meal EVERY SINGLE DAY, even up to a show. He says it's vital for him because it keeps his body from becoming used to dieting and keeps his metabolism firing. Another friend of mine who is training for the Nationals, in his off season he eats a Tortino's frozen pizza every day!! He eats McDonalds, pizza, subs, whatever, on almost a daily basis. Dont get me wrong, he eats clean 70-80% of the time. So no, I'm not saying a McDonalds diet is the way to go, but going there a few times/wk isnt going to hurt anything when building is your goal.