Did legs today - lower back was so pumped I could barely finish. THinking it is the Dbol.
Back Squats: 135x10, 185x10, 225x8, 275x8, 315x7 (almost had to dump it on #7 - went down too fast for sure - trying to make sure I am not bending any and looking damn near straight up caused me to loose my balance a bit - weird for a breif moment)
Leg Press: 720x8, 810x8, 810x8 - back still killing me
SLDL: No F'ing way - lower back was toast.
Leg Curls: 110x8, 110x6, 110x6
Leg Extentions: 150x8, 170x8, 190x8 - way to light - did them on a diff machine than I am used to.
That was it - my lower back was really pumped. It is fine now. All and all I feel like this workout was dog shit. I went back a few pages and see that minus missing the SLDL it was decent, but still. I have been falling back into an over training rut. It is now broken. I will only be lifting MWF next week. Cardio On Tu,Th,Sat. Nothing serious on cardio. My body responds best to slow and long sessions - typically walking uphill on the treadmill for about 60 min - at least that is what has stripped the most fat to date. I box, and as most people notice you can have tremendous cardio endurance and still carry plenty of fat, as many pro boxers do. Problem w/ the walking is I can barely finish w/ out wanting to jump out the window.....really boring. I could take it outside - there is a great 3/4/7/10 mile trail around a lake right across the street from my gym - but when I get down there and see all the runners I always seem to start to run - which for whatever reason does not trim me up as well.
Weight this AM: 219.5 Up 6lbs in 8 Days