Weight this AM: 237
How bout them horns!
My wife's boycott ended this weekend like a mother fucker - which was nice. Ate quite a few powdered donuts this weeked which was also nice. For those of you that don't know this the Cinnamon powdered donuts are by far superior to the stardard variety..lol. I stop eating them when I run out of milk. Needless to say I can drink about 2/3 a gallon in a sitting w/out getting ill so I think I ate an entire bag in one siting.
Layed off training on Saturday - went to the gym and stretched and did some light cardio then boxed for 45 minutes. Sunday did some Rows and tinkerend around on a few machines. Just wanted to stay loose. I have to keep active or my legs get really tight. Today is going to be a massive Back Squat and Jump Shrug day. Not sure what else I will do - decline abs for sure, may do some calfs - we will see.
I'm in the Mortgage biz so today is a quite work day - bankers need very little to close-up shop
I am not as happy as I thought I would be, but I think when I am repping 225 and hitting 315 for 3 or so I will feel like I am good to go. For right now my goals are Back Squat 500, Dead 500, Bench 315 - lofty enough to keep me serious in my training and to not fall into some high rep trap of failure.