Hi, I’ve posted a few q’s about my cutting diet lately and so have modified it and this is what I’ve ended up with – just wanted to see if you all think its spot on. Im looking to get as cut as possible, willing to make any changes – does it look right to get shredded off in a month or so? Im already low bf anyway its just midsection im unhappy with.
7:45 75g porridge oats w/skimmed milk
44g protein shake
2 dessert spoons serving udo’s oil
200mg caffeine, 30mg ephedrine
11:15 3 Dark Rye Ryvita
150g low fat cottage cheese
22g protein shake
1:30 200g chicken breast
200g broccoli
Flax seeds
200mg caffeine, 30mg ephedrine
4:30 200g chicken breast
200g broccoli
Flax seeds
6:00 Small packet of Oat cakes (slow release carbs)
30mg ephedrine
6:30 Train (PWO shake 44g protein)
9:00 200g salmon
¾ cup brown rice
Before Bed 2 dessert spoons udo’s oil
Im 5’11, 170lbs, been cutting for 3 weeks now but not lost as much as I had hoped. Bf is 8% according to handheld device but I think its more around 10-11%.
7:45 75g porridge oats w/skimmed milk
44g protein shake
2 dessert spoons serving udo’s oil
200mg caffeine, 30mg ephedrine
11:15 3 Dark Rye Ryvita
150g low fat cottage cheese
22g protein shake
1:30 200g chicken breast
200g broccoli
Flax seeds
200mg caffeine, 30mg ephedrine
4:30 200g chicken breast
200g broccoli
Flax seeds
6:00 Small packet of Oat cakes (slow release carbs)
30mg ephedrine
6:30 Train (PWO shake 44g protein)
9:00 200g salmon
¾ cup brown rice
Before Bed 2 dessert spoons udo’s oil
Im 5’11, 170lbs, been cutting for 3 weeks now but not lost as much as I had hoped. Bf is 8% according to handheld device but I think its more around 10-11%.