SL Deads, I said already, I can't get a feel for. I've read posts and seen diagrams on how to preform them, and I still can't seem to get it down. I don't feel any burn or anything with them. I'm afraid to do them, because I don't want to do them wrong and screw myself over in the end.
I feel I know a good amount, especially more than most others who parade gyms and such these days, but there's nothing wrong with asking for the opinion of others. Everyone makes mistakes. I missed a few things, having been out of the game in awhile, like adding in traps. Does that mean I don't know alot? No. LS missed the fact that I did have calves in there. Does that mean he doesn't know much? No.
How am I not being honest with myself?
Louden, thank you for the compliments and such. I would like to talk the family into taking me to the buffet, but I don't exactly have a family. Parents are divorced, but living together. None of us ever eat together. Plus, I don't know where there's a buffet near me, though I can try and find one. Even if I did, who's to say I can go nearly every night? And when I can't go, I'm stuck with nothing at home. Seriously, my situation is worse than you think, I believe. My mom couldn't go get me a $6 hero at the deli up the block today, no money. Dad? Spends his extra money drinking at the bar till midnight. As soon as I get a job, I guess things will look up a bit. Until then, I'm in a fuckin' rut.
Oh, and Louden, would you recommend I build some sort of foundation moreso before I do DC training? I mean, considering I'm cutting now, I can't exactly build anything.