Olympic lifts are good trap builders, shoulders, lower back, mid back and legs off course. Calves too if you get up on your toes and explode
Well clean pull is like a high pull, but you can use way more weight since you just pull it to your belly button or so. Sortalike an explosive jumping deadlift.
The Snatch Pull is the same except you use a wide grip. My thumbs are on the outter rings. More lat emphasis
You can also do a Snatch High pull as well.
Hang clean/Snatch pull, like above but starting from hang, more lower back emphasis. You bend your legs and lean forward, with the bar on the knee.
Push press, military press where you use your legs to help explode the weight up.
there are all sorts of minor variations you can invent and play around with. You can do them with dumbells as well.