New member
Just curious on any thoughts about my diet.ive been trying to lean out without losing to much weight. Basically this is close to what ive been eating for the last 6 weeks while on 80 mg tren ace and 100 mg prop EOD.
Meal 1 7:15 AM
1 Piece whole grain toast
1 whole egg, 2egg whites
Whey protein shake 26 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
GNC Multi And Flax Oil
Meal 2 10:25 AM
1 Cup Green Beans
2X Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
Meal 3 1.00 - 1.30 PM
1 Medium sized top sirloin Steak Chopped
1/2 Onion
1 Handful mixed Veg (brocolii, green beans, carrot, etc...
1Tsp vindallo curry paste
Meal 4 3.30
2X Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
Weights 4:45 -5:30-5:45ish
Cardio 20 Mins
Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
Meal 5 6:30- 7:00 ish
Steak,chicken or pork for dinner
1 to 1&1/2 cups of broccli or mixed vegtables
Small serving of white rice ( i know That not good )
Meal 6 Before bed usally 10:00 - 11:00 ish
Either Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
or a couple of bigmouthfulls of Cottage Cheese
Saturday i generally eat alright as in quality foods Probably 4 meals
Sunday i generally eat whatever.Not nessacarly crap but i just eat lots and whatever is around or ive been craving.
Thx for any insight!
Meal 1 7:15 AM
1 Piece whole grain toast
1 whole egg, 2egg whites
Whey protein shake 26 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
GNC Multi And Flax Oil
Meal 2 10:25 AM
1 Cup Green Beans
2X Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
Meal 3 1.00 - 1.30 PM
1 Medium sized top sirloin Steak Chopped
1/2 Onion
1 Handful mixed Veg (brocolii, green beans, carrot, etc...
1Tsp vindallo curry paste
Meal 4 3.30
2X Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
Weights 4:45 -5:30-5:45ish
Cardio 20 Mins
Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
Meal 5 6:30- 7:00 ish
Steak,chicken or pork for dinner
1 to 1&1/2 cups of broccli or mixed vegtables
Small serving of white rice ( i know That not good )
Meal 6 Before bed usally 10:00 - 11:00 ish
Either Whey protein shakes 27 pro 3Car 1.5 Fat
or a couple of bigmouthfulls of Cottage Cheese
Saturday i generally eat alright as in quality foods Probably 4 meals
Sunday i generally eat whatever.Not nessacarly crap but i just eat lots and whatever is around or ive been craving.
Thx for any insight!