Hey guys, I'm very close to be diabetic, I never knew it until I had some health issues and blood test revealed it , I would like to know which carbs to avoid, I have no knowledge at all about nutrition so I would need some guidance here, thank you.
Even the most lacking on knowledge will know if the eat badly or too much. Start eating less bad foods and see if the doc says your borderline type II borderline diabetes has lessened.
You should be avoiding complex carbs, and processed foods. This should make it much better. This sort of condition is usually caused by a bad diet, so you should reconsider your diet as a whole. Type II diabetes does not come all of a sudden - it is a condition that gets accumulated as you eat poorly. Therefore, and overall healthier diet will be your best solution.
And, once the diet is on point, get outside and do 20 minutes brisk walking three times a week as a starting point. Then go see your doc and watch his or her jaw drop!
The key when choosing carbohydrates is to choose low GI carbohydrates. Those will raise blood sugar the slowest.
For example, white rice has a much higher GI index and will raise blood sugar much faster then brown rice. White rice has the hull of the rice bran removed which makes it digest much faster. Brown rice is unprocessed and contains the whole rice grain. Brown rice contains more fibre and is slower digesting and will raise blood sugar much slower as a result.
The best carbohydrates to base your diet around are brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, and sweet potato. Along with fruits and vegetables of course.