MS - I just want to tell you I really, really appreciate the advice you're giving me here, and the time you're taking to do it. There's so much reading, and so much figuring out to do - basically stuff that only years of tinkering and experimenting will teach me - you're giving me a jump start in a way. I'm raring to try this.
Um ... I have a few more questions, though, if you don't mind. If you do, well, then I guess it's back to the books.
MS said:
Let's see where to begin. First, let's go back to post-training nutrition. This is the most important meal of the day (no matter when you train). For muscle gain try to get in 2 grams of carbs per kg. Keep to mainly high GI carbs, and combine it with 0.5 grams of whey protein. Leave the milk out of this meal. Keep the tofu in for your last meal. Rearrange the rest of your daily carb intake around mornings, with carb rotation in mind.
OK, this is the easiest part. But - why no milk? Is it low GI? I thought I was giving myself some extra protein here. Is it OK to have my protein shake with milk earlier in the day?
MS said:
(I'm 5'5" to answer one of your questions).
Wow! You must be a whole lotta woman!
MS said:
So for an 80kg person this would look something like:
Day 1: Moderate carbs=240g=960 cals
Protein = 320g=1280 cals
Fat=80g=720 cals
Total cals =2960
Days 2-3: Low carbs=160g=640 cals
Protein and fat same as day 1
Total cals=2640
Day 4: High carbs=400g=1600 cals
Protein and fat as for previous days
Total cals=3600
OK, now this is where I'm totally stumped.

The carbs and fat are no problem - they're easy to get into the diet, but I just can't see how I'm going to get that number of protein grams in consistently without a corresponding rise in carbs and fat. I've been paging and paging through food composition charts, but any decent vegetarian protein source seems to have tons of carbs or fat. Tofu has plenty of protein, but half my day's fat ration, too. Milk and yoghurt have high carbs. I can't get low or non-fat cottage cheese here ...
Am I going to have to take more than half my daily protein in supplement shakes?
The only other option I see is eating enormous quantities of egg whites.
Am I missing something?
MS said:
I'm glad you told me a little of your history and where you started from. You are doing really well.
Thank you. That's very encouraging.
Oh, and to answer an earlier question you had about trainers in Japan, well, the first thing is that vegetarianism here is at best an odd curiosity (purely religious), and at worst an anti-societal harmony, overly individualistic and rather arrogant and selfish practice (and I've had people tell me something like that). Female bodybuilding is also seen as rather curious too. A vegetarian, female bodybuilder is unheard of. There are trainers here, - probably very good ones, 'cause they sure look good on stage - but like everything here, they're very, very expensive. And I doubt, with the dietary and language limitations I have, that they'd be much use.
Anyway, I'm very much a control freak, and I love to do stuff myself, my own way - I learn so much more that way.

Though I daresay it takes longer.