1. I have an Ironman Tanita scale that measures my muscle mass in KGs (as well as a bunch of other useful stuff).
2. I'm doing sort of a CKD. Once a week I'll either do a clean carb up or a full on splurge day (with all the crap I can cram into my mouth - and wine to wash it down).
3. On Friday I crushed it with Weights (Colorado Experiment style).
4. Saturday I did my weekly Triathlon training. This time I did my personal best distance: 1K Swim, 25K Bike, 6K run (I'm in between a Sprint and Olypmic distance now - working my way up to an Olympic).
5. Sunday I did a splurge to end all splurges. I ate all the sugary fatty crap I could lay my hands on and over a bottle of wine at night with friends. I took ALA all day and ate protein with most of the food (but not always a lot). I say on my ass all day.
6. Today (Monday), I step on the scale fully expecting to have gained about 1 kilogram of fat, but instead ... I've gained 2KG of muscle. The scale showed the muscle evenly distributed throughout my body (no, it wasn't just the undigested meat sitting in my gut).
What happened?
Was it my body so starved for repair after my Tri on Saturday?
Was it the ALA?
Was it the protein I ate with the carbs?
I'm trying to understand these gains so that perhaps I can do this again
2. I'm doing sort of a CKD. Once a week I'll either do a clean carb up or a full on splurge day (with all the crap I can cram into my mouth - and wine to wash it down).
3. On Friday I crushed it with Weights (Colorado Experiment style).
4. Saturday I did my weekly Triathlon training. This time I did my personal best distance: 1K Swim, 25K Bike, 6K run (I'm in between a Sprint and Olypmic distance now - working my way up to an Olympic).
5. Sunday I did a splurge to end all splurges. I ate all the sugary fatty crap I could lay my hands on and over a bottle of wine at night with friends. I took ALA all day and ate protein with most of the food (but not always a lot). I say on my ass all day.
6. Today (Monday), I step on the scale fully expecting to have gained about 1 kilogram of fat, but instead ... I've gained 2KG of muscle. The scale showed the muscle evenly distributed throughout my body (no, it wasn't just the undigested meat sitting in my gut).
What happened?
Was it my body so starved for repair after my Tri on Saturday?
Was it the ALA?
Was it the protein I ate with the carbs?
I'm trying to understand these gains so that perhaps I can do this again