I know this is in the wrong forum but there are so many knowledgeable people in here. And you could say it involves AAS because I'm on a cycle right now.
So I'm on a cutter and I don't want to lower my carbs too much. Is it OK if I eat about half of my carbs from apples, the other carbs from possibly oatmeal and milk? Will the sugars hinder my fat loss? Will it just make me fatter? This could also pertain the milk I drink because it has sugars, too.
So I'm on a cutter and I don't want to lower my carbs too much. Is it OK if I eat about half of my carbs from apples, the other carbs from possibly oatmeal and milk? Will the sugars hinder my fat loss? Will it just make me fatter? This could also pertain the milk I drink because it has sugars, too.