***edited for length***
Conclusion, there is permanent damage from the tumor & the Cancer … this is why these issues I have exist and WILL always exist … My right kidney, and also the right ureter is slightly ‘pinched off’ (for lack of a better term = my brain mush), and this is NOT new information to me. It has been brought to my attention I can live fine with one kid if necessary and right not that is NOTHING I have to worry about, so that is fan-friggin-tastic. BOTH kids are doing just fine, everything is working better than it should given my situation (did ya expect any less from me?? I mean come on now ….) The OTHER doc unbeknownst to me … (I lost count) thought the progression of the hyrdo INSIDE the right kid needed further analysis, because it looked enlarged compared to my last CT … I am ok with that, better safe than sorry …. IT, me, my body, my situations and my results will always be abnormal … and ALL of this is heavily monitored, along with all of my monthly blood work & testing I do through the Oncology department. I also have a physical on June 30th … think I’ll pass ?
The only other issue I’ve never really addressed is whether or not I will ever be able to have children, which is something to be discussed at a later date, if ever. Different can .. leaving closed for now … as I fully believe in adoption and truly have more love & respect for all the blessed mothers out there, and why I do take the time to let you ladies know on this board
It feels good to get this all down, finally, as I kept my continuous battle with “C” under wraps for so long, and more than anything I wanted my results from diet & training to be seen for what they were … magnificent.
It FEELS GOOD to get this out of my head and where I can read back in my log 5 years from now and say wow, I remember that … etc …
And so it begins … Monday … Back on 200% …
*That is all*