7:50 A.M. – Diet Pepsi, 36.9 oz water
9:10 A.M. - 4 Levorex
9:50 A.M. - 2 Glucorell-R, 20 oz water
10:30 A.M. - 2 Cardio Breeze, 2 D-Root, Digestive Enzymes, 1 TYR-2, 1 Neurogenex
Meal # 2:
Protein Shake
- 1 Scoop ISO AGB
- 2 teaspoon EnerG Glutamine
- 5 Raspberries
- ½ banana
- ¼ Cup Raw Almonds
- ½ Raw Cucumber, dash salt
11:05 A.M. – One Serving Trident White
12:50 P.M. - 2 Glucorell-R, TAB (anyone still drink this stuff?) , 20 oz water
1:25 P.M. - 2 D-Root, Digestive Enzymes, 20 oz water
Meal # 3 :
Spinach Salad with
- 2 tbsp FF Chunky B.C.
- 4 oz. Fit’n Easy All Natural Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
- other ½ Raw Cucumber
- Nibbling on a hunk of Crunchy ANPB
- Diet Coke
***Feeling much better than I was this morning...although I would LOVE to have a day to lay in my big comfy bed and chiiiiiiiiiilllllllll *sigh* ***