It'll definitely be interesting to find out what your type is to see if the diet you're on is what you ought to be eating. If it matches up I feel it would be further evidence to support the theory.
Interesting thing, last week I found a colleague collapsed on the floor. I did my emergency medic bit and luckily he was breathing (really didn't wanna. be doing mouth to mouth!), I thought he'd fainted, the paramedic thought he had a weak heart (the man is 61) but at the hospital it turned out he had a stomach ulcer which had been leaking into his blood stream and had destroyed a lot of blood cells. So there wasn't enough blood to carry the needed oxygen and nutrients.
Remembering that type Os are most likely to suffer from stomach ulcers I asked him about his diet. Turns out when working he doesn't eat breakfast OR lunch, just has his evening meal. This means the stomach acid he is producing had nothing to digest and so the ulcer formed, as they do. I've suggested that he try eating some meat and fresh vegetables at breakfast and lunch from now on. It'll be interesting to see if his ulcer heals any quicker. He's been given some kind of medication for it so it ought to get better anyway but the dietary changes might speed up that recovery.