I'm finally getting my life back again.
Training is getting back to where I was 2 years ago and I have strength and energy again.
My skin has totally cleared - the rash and puffiness is completely gone. People how haven't seen me since Jan or prior are just like - OH MY GOD!!
Even the constant thirst has gone - now I'm around a gallon-gallon and a half and I feel normal it's not like my throat feels like it's going to close up all the time.
I did an experiment with natural peanut butter which didn't go as hoped - so that's still a no as is a lot of citrus - I'm fine if it's a condiment but not a lot.
I went from having three to five days a month pain free to the exact opposite, now I have three to five days with migraine pain but most of that is hormonal and I can schedule around it because I know when it's coming.
My next check up is the last week of May – they’ll be testing for improvements or changes.
I haven’t felt this good and haven’t been this happy in a very long time.
Thanks for asking.