O.K. I can't take it anymore. I need to cut. I've added a descent amount of muscle over the last four months, so it's time to see what's under this winter coat. I know it's soon, but I feel like if I don't do it know it won't ever happen.
My training has been consistent, but diet has not.
Starting tomorrow, the plan is changing. Here it is:
Sun: Chest + anterior delt + 20 min. pwo cardio
Mon: Back + Posterior delt + 20 min. pwo cardio
Tues: Off
Wed: Legs (quad concentration) + Abs
Thurs: Arms + Medial delt+ calves+ 20 min. pwo cardio
Fri: Off
Sat: Legs (ham concentration) + abs
Thanks to Bunny for letting me jack some of your training ideas and motivation. I still want to add some size to my legs and shoulders. My arms grow so easily, and I feel like they were getting a little out of proportion, so I'm not concentrating on them so much. All my workouts will start with a ten minute warmup on the treadmill. Everything will be much faster-paced....higher reps, lower weight. I can't fit in morning cardio now, so this will have to work. I may add more later.
Monday I'll begin a five-day carb deplete to get me started. Then I'll start carb cycling: High, Low, Low
High days: 150 g Low days: 50g
On the high days I'll shoot for 1800 cals, low days 1500.
I just ordered levorex, so I'll give that a try. (I can't handle stimulants)
I'll also be using Glucorell before meals, Ms. power pack multis, Purecee until I run out, and probably some extra calcium.
I'm already planning to cheat next Saturday(birthday), thanksgiving, and christmas. But that's it.
I'll post pics later w/ stats.
Any suggestions are appreciated!