Here's my backworkout for 3/5/12.. even though it fuckin sucked:
WU elliptical 5 mins
Cable Pulldowns, alternated wide grip and underhand grip.
100 x 15 wide
100 x 15 UH
120 x 12 wide
120 x 12 UH
140 x 8 120 x 4 wide
140 x 7 120 x 5 UH
120 x 9 110 x 3 wide
120 x 8 110 x 4 UH
Man.. my strength seems way down on this.. I was doing 180's easy a month ago.
One Arm DB Rows:
45 x 12
55 x 12
60 x 12
65 x 12
75 x 12 (straps)
85 x 12 (straps)
Was pretty happy about that.. might be PR for reps
Close Grip Seated Cable Row:
120 x 12
140 x 12
160 x 12
170 x 12
160 x 12
150 x 12
Hammer Strength High Row? Kind of a Pulldown motion from a high set position.. can't remember exact name.
80 each arm x 10
70 x 12
70 x 10
55 x 12
55 x 12
55 x 12
Really squeezed and slow movement, tried to get the lat to really pop.
Rack Pulls: Nah bro like this, remember your already warmed up man.
225 x 5 225x2
255 x 5 225x2 now get your straps out for the next sets.
315 x 3 315x3
315 x 1 315x3
255 x 3 315x3 even if you have to do singles get these last 3 in. Hate me and cuss me but get these bitches in bro!
Man... how shitty is that! My grip was good, I seriously just couldn't explode up.. my lower back needs to get stronger. Weak sauce...
Yikes bro, rack pull is not explosive, rather steady acceleration like a freight train staring out. Your scaring me here bro, would like to see a vid of your doing them. Dont wanna see you get hurt on these.
All in all.. I was DRENCHED in sweat.. there was maybe a square inch on my entire shirt that wasn't dark and wet with sweat..
Maybe since I can't hit the gym today I'll do some more kenpo or plyo tonight.. but I don't know if I'll feel up to it.. I'm exhausted from all these meetings today.