when you guys tell me to rest, does that mean that i will not work my back at all? that kind of limits what i can do at the gym. im thinking of exclusively benching for a couple weeks while i rest my back.
First things first. The westside program is an advanced program. You need to be conditioned to do it. This means you shouldnt have been trying to break prs from day one. Instead, you should have let your body get accustomed to the volume and intensity while you fixed technique for a couple weeks. You should have reduced training percentages for this. Another thing if you did a meet you should have taken a week off after the meet to let your body recover, then eased back into training. Competitions are very taking on your body and mind. You need to allow the cns to recover after the overload. Take a week off and do recovery work, foam rolling etc. and rest. Then lower your training weights while your body gets used to it.
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