Okay, here's what I don't understand about that.
I went back through this thread, and looked up my PR's:
Floor press: 210
2 board: 265
3 board: 287
4 board: 320
CG 4 board: 254x3
CG lockout: 331
On the surface, to my novice eye, this looks like a fairly normal progression, whereas your lockout is MUCH higher than your board presses. Are you saying that if there was a bigger jump in the numbers, with a stronger lockout, that I'd get more out of the shirt? Just not sure what you mean by my strengths are reversed.
Also, I went back over my shirt videos last night, and noticed something which may or may not be of note. When I'm bringing the bar down, the bar seems to drop much quicker, in a non-controlled fashion, at about the same point I seem to stall when pressing upward. It's hard to tell from the video, but it looks to me to be at about 2 or 3 board height.
Mean anything to anyone?