Well we just finished up a Speed Strength Phase on dynamic day. Did our first five sets with the recommended percentage (25%), and then worked up to a 1RM with the added band tension still in place.
5X2 X 133 + choked blue and greens
177X1 + choked blue and greens
221X1 + choked blue and greens
265X1 + choked blue and greens
309X1 + choked blue and greens
5X2 X 78 + choked blue
89 X 1 + choked blue
133 X 1 + choked blue
177 X 1 + choked blue
Unfortunately, Spatts' shoulder flared up on here again due to the added pressure of the bands. She gave it all she had...the mind was willing the body just wouldn't cooperate. We are going to go back to a reg band phase for the next 3 weeks. In that time hopefully we will continue to rehab her shoulder. And then we will decide whether or not a circa max phase is going to do more harm than good.
Projects knee was bothering him. He made it through his 5 working sets. And then looked strong throughout all his singles. Nice work.
I personally felt really explosive. My works sets were insanely quick. Then working up on the singles felt really good. My back started to wear out however with all the straining trying to rack and unrack the weight. 309 wasn't that bad. Probably had 331 or so in me, but only had one spotter and just wasn't sure of the lift. I REALLY hate to ere on the side of safety, but sometimes you have to.
5X2 X 133 + choked blue and greens
177X1 + choked blue and greens
221X1 + choked blue and greens
265X1 + choked blue and greens
309X1 + choked blue and greens
5X2 X 78 + choked blue
89 X 1 + choked blue
133 X 1 + choked blue
177 X 1 + choked blue
Unfortunately, Spatts' shoulder flared up on here again due to the added pressure of the bands. She gave it all she had...the mind was willing the body just wouldn't cooperate. We are going to go back to a reg band phase for the next 3 weeks. In that time hopefully we will continue to rehab her shoulder. And then we will decide whether or not a circa max phase is going to do more harm than good.
Projects knee was bothering him. He made it through his 5 working sets. And then looked strong throughout all his singles. Nice work.
I personally felt really explosive. My works sets were insanely quick. Then working up on the singles felt really good. My back started to wear out however with all the straining trying to rack and unrack the weight. 309 wasn't that bad. Probably had 331 or so in me, but only had one spotter and just wasn't sure of the lift. I REALLY hate to ere on the side of safety, but sometimes you have to.