I think that brian might have a gay fetish...seems that he is always calling someone gay or talking about a gay waiter, or gay Cheese, or gay something...
You're bringing a what to the contest? A cheerleader? I didn't know the WNBA (Women's National Basketball Leaue) had mail cheerleaders. Whcih way are the sands of your hourglass running ole boy?
Serously, Best of luck to you and Jason. I hope for the best for both of you.
Ol' Boy,
Did you do a spell check on that post?? Thanks for the words of encouragement. If you were closer, you could be my cheerleader hahahahaha
I still think there is something subliminal that brian is trying to tell us...he talks about that waiter more than anything else... When it isn't he waiter...he is saying one person is gay....then someone else. Makes me wonder if he is just using wishful thinking...
Hey man...were staying at the La Quinta place friday night.Not sure what time we'll get there though.What class are you in ?..just curious .I think Im going to get wasted(in the contest!!lol..I dont drink).I trained the yoke twice,and did some farmers holds in the gym,and speed farmers at home....thats about all Ive been able to do to train for this,but it will be fun.
i just got done sanding and painting my two logs i just had made. they are gonna be the ones we use in nashville now and will be sold afterwards. they're nice. pretty red.