Yeah B Fold your threads rule man, it's cool that you attach the pictures. Gives me a little more understanding of the exercise you are doing, as well as supplying some motivation man. Good work.
Planned for a rough one...and I got it. Tried a few different things in the gym today too...
Bottom Position GM's (feet together)
several warm ups
225 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 3
325 x 3 PR
High Bar Squats
225 x 2
295 x 2
365 x 2 (paused each at the bottom for a sec or two)
Rack Pulls (partials)
several warm up sets
585 x 1
Log Press
warm ups
190 x 1
212 x 1
240 x 1
262 x 1
295 x 1 PR
Yoke Walk
345 x 100ft with 1 turn
435 x 100ft
525 x 100ft
615 x 100ft (bouncy but feeling easier)
Tire Flip
light tire x 3 flips
heavy tire x 1 & 1 (Failed on 2nd)...light tire x 6 flips
heavy tire x 1 (someone had to stand it up to put it back)
Farmers Walk
100's x 100ft with 4 turns
130's x 100ft with 2 turns
150's x 100ft with 4 turns (even made a figure 8 )
Softball Farmers
36's x 50 ft with 1 turn
25's x 100ft with 1 turn
Hussefeld Stone
155 x 50 ft
245 x 50 ft
285 x 50 ft
335 x 100 ft
155 x 50 ft (putting it up)
335 x 50 ft (putting it up)
We also did some keg shouldering weighed about 85lbs. Found that cleaning and pressing a keg with water in it was NOT fun at all. We could swing it up...but not clean and press. Shouldering was a lot of fun!!!
Just ate a bit, fighting off a LONG
Now for some pics...
Pic: Doing the Bottom position closed stance GM's....
Bottom position is anywhere where you take the barr off of the bottom of the racks. There can be tons of different heights. I do my bottom position GM's where the bar height is the same height as my shoulders would be if I were doing a deadlift.
The pic does not display where I started from...I went down till the plates touched my barrels...A LOT deeper than the pics show.
STL, May 18th. The guy acting like an idiot in the center, Cheese, will be competing also. The woman is Night Fly, and the older guy is Bover. Bover made most of my wooden equipment by hand. He was an alternate on the '84 Olympic team for javelin. He is a 57 years old, 2' of steel in his spine, pins in each shoulder, several nerve surgeries in his arms, 2 heart attacks last October, abscessed wounds (from medication) around his stomach..etc...and he is still a force when we train. He can do lots of things that most 20 year old men can't.
We all have fun, cheer each other, and pick each other up when we need to be picked up. This pic was taken after 4 hours of hard and heavy training...we were all nearly