J juice4me New member Mar 11, 2003 #11 Jesus that was insane. I couldnt imagine the amount of stress on your back and knees that that would cause.
Jesus that was insane. I couldnt imagine the amount of stress on your back and knees that that would cause.
D DEEZEL New member Mar 11, 2003 #12 ProteinFiend said: it sounds like he says "702 pounds" not "1102 pounds"... but thats just me Click to expand...
ProteinFiend said: it sounds like he says "702 pounds" not "1102 pounds"... but thats just me Click to expand...
drug_against_war New member Mar 11, 2003 #13 WTF....why is it that windows media player on my computer only plays audio and I get no picture? Help!
WTF....why is it that windows media player on my computer only plays audio and I get no picture? Help!
Themachine01 New member Mar 11, 2003 #14 at first i didnt think he would go down that far, but, he did. Thats some good shit.
BodybuildingUniverse Plat Hero Platinum Mar 11, 2003 #15 yeah, he bottomed that bad boy out. Tempest, powerlifters dont give a shit about leg size unless it helps the bottom line - a BIG squat! Worth noting that this was his THIRD 1,000+ pound squat of the day. Did 1003, 1076 and then this 1,102.
yeah, he bottomed that bad boy out. Tempest, powerlifters dont give a shit about leg size unless it helps the bottom line - a BIG squat! Worth noting that this was his THIRD 1,000+ pound squat of the day. Did 1003, 1076 and then this 1,102.
G genarr3 Plat Hero Platinum Mar 11, 2003 #19 Great lift. My memory is alittle foggy, does that beat Bret Mikesells(?) lift?