A message from someone:
I checked the board and read the posts. It cracks me up how people who have never accomplished anything always want to expect the worst of those who have. They need some dark explanation as to why someone has arrived and they haven't. I have no secrets. My diet is the least of my worries. I gave that up when I quit bodybuilding. I worry about getting my lifts in the gym and in the yard, not about my bodyfat %. Fortunatately, I have a very efficient metabolism that doesn't require I eat a ton of food. I have weighed the same since '97 because gaining size is not my priority. I have never taken GH (I'm too much of a cheap ass), testosterone, d-bol, anadrol or any other harsh drugs out there. I’ve used 10mg of ******** a day for 5-6 weeks out from a contest. THAT IS IT. I just want a little something to help me recover from my harsh workouts, that is all it takes. I have a very high natural test level and if I were to use anything else I would easily gain muscle, but also the other negative stuff that goes with that. You met my brother and I don't know if you remember but he has a dominant jaw line and cheek bone (and big nose) just as everyone (male and female) in my family do.
As far as my diet goes...
today I ate at 1pm:
1 chicken breast with swiss and sauteed onions and mushrooms, 1/2 cup rice and 1/2 cup green beans
7pm: 2 cups of chicken phad thai, plus 1 cup chicken
1/4 cp ice cream
I will have a protein shake in water before I go to bed.
I haven't taken anything in 3 months and I can still do 5 reps with 205 on push presses at 165, with a fucked back. It's all about paying dues, not the drugs. I'm sure you get tired of explaining how stuff works to people on the board!
I did log presses, tire flips, sled drag, and sprints this afternoon. **** just left my house today (was staying with me all week) so she can attest to my lifestyle and diet.
I am recovering from 2 fractured vertebrae and I'm finally well enough to start training for a meet.
I checked the board and read the posts. It cracks me up how people who have never accomplished anything always want to expect the worst of those who have. They need some dark explanation as to why someone has arrived and they haven't. I have no secrets. My diet is the least of my worries. I gave that up when I quit bodybuilding. I worry about getting my lifts in the gym and in the yard, not about my bodyfat %. Fortunatately, I have a very efficient metabolism that doesn't require I eat a ton of food. I have weighed the same since '97 because gaining size is not my priority. I have never taken GH (I'm too much of a cheap ass), testosterone, d-bol, anadrol or any other harsh drugs out there. I’ve used 10mg of ******** a day for 5-6 weeks out from a contest. THAT IS IT. I just want a little something to help me recover from my harsh workouts, that is all it takes. I have a very high natural test level and if I were to use anything else I would easily gain muscle, but also the other negative stuff that goes with that. You met my brother and I don't know if you remember but he has a dominant jaw line and cheek bone (and big nose) just as everyone (male and female) in my family do.
As far as my diet goes...
today I ate at 1pm:
1 chicken breast with swiss and sauteed onions and mushrooms, 1/2 cup rice and 1/2 cup green beans
7pm: 2 cups of chicken phad thai, plus 1 cup chicken
1/4 cp ice cream
I will have a protein shake in water before I go to bed.
I haven't taken anything in 3 months and I can still do 5 reps with 205 on push presses at 165, with a fucked back. It's all about paying dues, not the drugs. I'm sure you get tired of explaining how stuff works to people on the board!
I did log presses, tire flips, sled drag, and sprints this afternoon. **** just left my house today (was staying with me all week) so she can attest to my lifestyle and diet.
I am recovering from 2 fractured vertebrae and I'm finally well enough to start training for a meet.