Barbell Squat, sprint, leap complex
Warmup-Barbell Full Squat barx5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3
275x3+10-12yd moderate sprint to short leaping bar grab. Drop and then double leg jump up to a higher bar. Walk to the fountain, rest abit, repeat. 3 sets
295x1+10-12yd sprint and leap for 2 sets.
315+10-12yd sprint and leap for 2 sets.
Rest for 3-5 minutes and figure out what I want to do next.
50lbs kb turkish getups 5x1, 1 rep each side, take a drink of water, repeat, no rest except for walk to fountain=maybe 40feet away. This was very easy other than feeling moderately winded while doing it.
Full body stretching for 5 minutes or so.
My goal is to train for 30-45minutes 3 days a week average using fairly heavy weight and lowish reps using circuit style training and cutting rest times.
This is abit different than typical cross-fit workouts as this emphasizes heavier weight and low reps with the main anerobic cardio coming from decreased rest between exercises and each circuit rather than moderate to high rep work with lighter weight and less rest.
Basically I want to be able to perform at a relatively high intensity for 30-45minutes lifting significantly heavier weight than your typical crossfitter and developing solid cardio without decreasing strength too much from overuse of higher reps and lighter weight.
A mid-range goal type of workout would be:
5 circuits
Barbell Full Squat 315x5
short sprint to high leap and bar grab
turkish getup 1 rep each side with 90lbs KB
Rope Skipping 1 minute
The goal being to be able to build up to that and complete 5 circuits of it without any rest between the exercises and little to no rest between circuits. I'm thinking 3-6 months to get to that level of anerobic conditioning.
I was able to do triples with 275 today np while huffing pretty solidly. If I had pushed the pace any faster by reducing rest before squatting I would have puked. 315 felt good even though I was breathing heavy, but I only did a couple singles with it.
An advanced version of that would maybe be:
sprint to high leap or maybe sprint to trackter tire leap over.
10 tire hits with 15lbs sledge
90lbs Turkish Getup to 1 arm overhead squat, 1-2 reps each side
Advanced Rope Skipping for 1 minute
Short rest to no rest and repeat 5x.
Any comments are welcome.
A sample advanced bench day would maybe be:
Bench Press 275-315x5
5-8 Sternum Chinups
90lbs KB clean and press each arm for 2-3
Maybe 1 other exercise
Repeat 5x with little to no rest
As a side note I really don't have a specific bodyweight goal.
Primarily I am aiming to stay relatively strong, greatly improve my anerobic conditioning, improve my flexibility and drop some excess bodyfat while eating relatively health, but not dieting specifically.
If that means I only drop to like 235lbs so be it. If I end up dropping down as low as 205 so be it.
The advanced goals I could see happening within a year or so. Maybe not zero rest between circuits, but none between exercises and maybe a minute or 2 between circuits. Really hard to say.
Any comments like you're insane or unrealistic are welcome.