Here is 2 starting pics I'm going to go with. Im looking to add some substantial lean mass over the next 3 months. I'm not going to get Into details about supps, or gear as I don't really have any interest in people saying you should so this, or that,
I have my plan laid out and will not fail. I weighed in 197. 6'0 and I'd
Say about 10% bf . I look nearly identical to these pics of me taken last year, so ill use them as my starting point as the camera angle here sucks in camp.
I will be following 5x5 training with some mixed isolation exercises and sprints , looking to become bigger stronger and faster basically.. That's what we all want right?
Last night was day 1
Of the 5x5 and went great. Looking for big gains as I am always growing more knowledgable and hoping to put my newfound knowledge to use