10 hrs of sleep last night for the first time in months
Ate a big breakfast
Off to gym
Warmed up with face pulls and narrow grip pull-ups
Side laterals
3 sets db shoukder press
Wasn't feeling the weights at the moment so went to ride the bike for a bit
Rode for 90 minutes

NFC would be proud!
Popped four gear ate a banana and hit the weights with fury
Incline flys
30x 20 reps
35x 18 reps deep stretches
40 x 15 SS cg presses ( palms towards eachother rolling wrists together at top ... Incredible burn)
Popped 4 more gear cause I bought lots of em
SS high pulley flys with close grip pull-ups
4 sets of 35x arm strict form
About 10 pull-ups each time tapering down to about 7 on the 4 the set
2 sets ez bar curls
80 x about 10
Ran 5 flights of stairs , 5 min abs, 2 track sprints
Did a few forearms and left
I felt like I forced myself to leave I coulda kept going but I felt that funny feeling like I was running on adrenaline or something it was an odd workout but a very good one.
I decided to stop my sarms too and am Just using the D spark now and a bit of forma stanzol.. Still using creatine and glutamine and fish oils n such..
BU 24, I upped fish oils to like 10 g a day and my joints feel amazing after 4 days of this, 10 g may be excessive but apart from the bottle lasting not long I am feeling good
Goin to look at a street bike now, gonna be a very nice weekend here to have off work

! Woo hoo