Maybe some mods can pop I and help decipher the problem.. Phone won't let me upload pic any longer days they exceed my size limit, I've never had this problem it's only a few KIlobytes
Lol sounds good homie least you never done what I did, was drunk swaying and texting over the toilet I was peeing in and dropped my phone in there and plunges right into the piss water after it to retrieve it.
Pm workout
Just blasted arms to the max, had a huge pump going
Nothing crazy just drop sets and high volume lighter weights, I was too burnt out to do anything heavy I build an 8 foot high step n landing today in the sun
Seated cable rows SS high pulley flys
120x20 (25x20)
160x13( 25x20)
Decline bench
315x 2Pr( by about 25 lbs.. Haven't tried a max in months)
4 sets nasty hamstring curls SS split squats
Feeling incredibly strong and lean and new diet has me At 212 lbs but a very solid 212.. Thx Chikoo !!!