With a little research on our Diet forum and some basic math I would save my $125 bro. The answers will be the same. If you want to cut it has to be high protein, low carbs, and good fats. There is no other solution. You are going to pay someone for something that you can do yourself! Just my .02Cool.. I agree. I have to get back in to the right habits.. I used to have a great diet, and after you get in to the habits, it's not that bad. It's just getting back in to those habits is rough. Prob will end up waiting a few months and be jacked for xmas.. lol Either way, I do understand the situation now, was just looking for someone to give some reasons for me to HAVE TO cut down.. ha. I think I might use 3J who's a diet mod on .. seems like he may be able to give a personal touch and help me avoid some little things that make a big difference. Anyone ever heard of him or his service? Not sure if it's worth the $125..
figure I spend that on 3 bottles of whey protein.. ha. Anyway, thanks again..
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