BW x 6 x 2 sets (pronated, medium)
BW x 3 x 2 sets (pronated, wide)
Rack Deads
275 x 6 x 2 sets
297 x 3 x 2 sets
Start of the low volume week was excellent No vids for today. Couldn't be arsed
Scales were down to 175 this morning. Significantly less bloated than I have been in previous days. No learner, but feeling nice and strong. The muscle gains are quite obvious, I think. Looking much bigger around my shoulder girdle.
Quick and intense. Ordered some more 45lb plates and looking forward to smashing a few 1 RMs next week. I'll be testing my deadlift, squat, bench and overhead presses over two days
Deadlift: 353 x 1 on 7/5/03 ---> 405
Squats: never properly tested due to injuries etc. ---> 286
Bench Press: 265 x 1 on 5/5/03 ---> 286
Standing OHP: 176 x 1 on 30/4/03 ---> 198
In a perfect world, those will be my new bench-marks after next week. Some might be a bit unrealistic, especially my presses... I've been concentrating on hypertrophy, so the numbers I put up should be interesting.
I can't decide whether I'll devote a day to each of them (Bench, Squat, OHP, Deadlift - with a day off in between each) or if I'll do Bench and Squats on one day and OHP and Deadlifts on another... Your thoughts?
well whenever I've maxed any lift I was exhausted mentally and physically.
But if you just do a training type max, without too much physce up I think you could do what you outlined. Although deads may weaken your core too much for the press