revexrevex - 242 x 3 is a PR, but it was so easy I think I could've knocked another 2-3 out.
IronLion - thanks I think I'll be able to get 286 for a single after the ease of today...
The rows and close-grip are also PRs. Strange though, because they don't feel like it
I will be picking up another 2 x 45lb olympic size plates early next week (placed my order today). Its a great feeling out-growing your weights. This time last year I thought I'd never need any more than the 355lbs I had. I'll have 440lbs next week, and within a few months I'm expecting that I'll be forking out more money for plates
Nice workout Zander. You are definitely a mighty man. That press @ that BW is a statement!
I still want you to "look up" when you perform your rows. It will change your form only slightly and to the point that you will not notice. However when you see video it will have changed for the better.
This time last year I thought I'd never need any more than the 355lbs I had. I'll have 440lbs next week, and within a few months I'm expecting that I'll be forking out more money for plates
I still want you to "look up" when you perform your rows. It will change your form only slightly and to the point that you will not notice. However when you see video it will have changed for the better.