ok- i know this is going to seem like a clusterfuck, but this routine was made with a lot of help from Andalite and i think it's structured a lot better than my other one, and it also keeps most of the same movements that have been working for me, so i am going to give it a shot- here it is.
Back Squats - 2x5, 1x12, 1x15-20
Powecleans 5x3
Incline DB Press- 3x8-12
Pull-ups - 3-4 sets to failure
Grip Training
Back Squats- 3x2
Military Press - 5x5 add 5 lbs per week
Dumbbell Rows 3x5 add reps per week till you hit 3x7 and then add weight and go back to 3x5 to add reps, etc
Tricep Exercise- (primarily CGBP and skull crushers)
Deadlifts - will vary with andalite's help
Bench Press - do 3x3 and add 5 lbs per week- backoff set x 10
Front Squats: 3x5,4,3
Cable pullthroughs - 3x8-12- 1 set of lunges afterwards
High Pulley Rows OR Chest Supported Rows - 4x10-12
Biceps (primarily BB/DB Curls)