today was eh.. my friend was there cuz i told him i'd swim after, but he wouldn't stfu even during my lifts.
Clean and Push Press
115x3- tied PR
120x3- PR
Front Squat (not as much warmup. 2 people working in)
120x5- PR
125x4- PR
130x3- PR
Chinups- bad
12 total
Skull Crushers
EZ Bar + 10 x 8
EZ Bar + 20 x 8
EZ Bar + 30 x 7- PR
115x8- PR
135x6- PR
skipped abs and swam- 7 laps
Comments: wasn't that bad actually now that i look at it. My friend was just so damn annoying i couldn't focus. He didn't talk during my sets, but it was harder to focus overall. 120 on clean and push press was hard, but 125 should be doable next workout. On front squats, my whole body was like shaking to stabilize the weight- Was still solid though. I can't wait to try them with 45s on each side. Chinups went to shit today. I think my back was more sore than usual from doing clean and push presses. Skull crushers i'll do 20,25, and 30 for my working sets next time, and for SLDL i feel like my grip is the weak link, so i'll have to add in some more grip training at the end of each workout. Farmers walks are going to be too hard as there is no space in my gym, but some static holds with the BB should be good