Elite Bodybuilder
lol yeah.. The reason my last warmup set has been 185 is because in other lifts, when i go too heavy on warmups (take bench for example) i find it harder to hit my set reps... For deadlifts i actually thought about doing 225 as a warmup last time but since even 135 double over works my grip, i figured that 225 would work it as well. Maybe i'll do that x2 or 3 before i try 250 next time.
sounds great!
Grip Training would definitely be a good idea. I was thinking of doing some static holds with the BB and maybe some farmers walks if there is any room to do them.
farmers walks are awesome. you should definitely do them.
As far as form goes, I think i have the form down pretty damn good for my lifts. There are some guys who are really experienced whom i have befriended over the past few months, and they tell me that my form looks real good. The only comment i've ever recieved with a negative connotation was that i was going too far on squats, which i take in a good way. Maybe one time when I have a friend go with me, I will ask him to video my lifts; gym has still been packed with new years fags though so once they clear out it should be easier.
Yeah record your lifts man...don't feel shy or weird or anything. I've been recording my training since I was lifting 135 lbs...I've never cared what people think. In this digital day and age I think reviewing our lifts via digital camera is one of the best things to do.
My warmup for squat is usually 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x3, 175x1... working sets.
Thats fine. As you get stronger your warm-up sets will evolve. To put that into numbers, when I was Deadlifting in the 300s, here's my warm up:
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
255 x 3
315 x 3
345 << -- work sets
Last workout,
135 x 7
245 x 7
295 x 7
345 x 5
385 x 3
425 x 5 << -- work set
Also, you're just starting out (relatively) so you might need more or less warm-ups depending the workout, be open to that. In the sense: sometimes you may need an extra warm-up set and sometimes you might not. So be conscious of that.