well i just got back from FLA today..........
was a fun trip, i am 17, thought this girl was like 19 years old, but was really 14 and got with her so that was a bit of a letdown (and the fact i got 4 texts while on the plane). well anyways
i got there wednesday, and was disappointed, but not the least bit surprised to see a ton of machines and a smith machine.. However, there were DBs up to 50 lbs (more than enough for me!) and place to do chins/pullups and some other cable work.. I was surprised to see myself using 50 pound DBs for the rows, and could do 5 chins in the beginning of my workout. I ended up doing tris/chest/shoulders on wednesday, and bi's/back/abs on thursday. I wanted to do some leg work on Friday, then take Saturday/Sunday off and start lifting monday, but friday i was out by the pool/ocean for hours and got FUCKING SUNBURNT!!!!! like absolutely fucking rediculously sunburnt. Btw, i am white like ExtraMile for anyone who knwos who he is lol. My back killed me throughout the night, and then i had a bit too much to eat one night, and woke up at 4:00 AM yesterday morning, threw up for the next 3 hours sick as hell..
Anyways, awesome trip-- However, i have until next monday before i go to Italy/France, and was wondering the side effects of lifting with a sunburn? I did some research online, and supposedly since your sweat glands are effected by sunburn, that does something... I also read some shit about peoples skin peeling off, and don't want that to happen to me right before i go to Italy so i am thinking about just chilling until it gets better. I will try to get the Iron Gym and bring it with me on vacation to try to do some pullups/chins and also do some weighted pushups, burpees, lots of cardio since i come back to soccer!
I really want to hit the gym today on 3 hours of sleep (feel so energized) but don't want anything to happen because of my sunburn. I have really seen a total body change over the last 10 weeks or so. Thanks to everyone on here who has been helping me, and a special thanks to EM/Korin
Oh, last note; I met a former olympic lifter who works with my dad, and after listening to him go on and on about cleans and how they helped his vertical for 5-10 min, and another guy who played D1 football at St. Johns talk about how awesome they were for him, i think i want to try some. I do respect Future and his opinions a lot as he is extremely advanced with lifting, but so many guys who are also really advanced really advocate them.