First, either you or your g/f need to take a look at all the stickies on the Women's Board. 1 year of training does not a plateau make. Clen is not a miracle drug - mostly its about 5 cups of coffee in a pill - with all the jitters and edginess as well. The first piece of knowledge about use of "non-traditional performance enhancers" is that there is no such thing as a magic pill. No matter what stuff you throw into your supplement mix, if your diet & training arent' tight, then it won't give you the results you want.
I personally find clen to be a waste. A good thermogenic will give the same results without the panic attack in a bottle. (But don't rely on the thermos for results either.) Anavar just complicates it. It is the lighter (sides-wise) of the many steroids that are available, but she may then experience acne, loss of her period, etc. It all depends on the person taking it.
For the time and money spent, the best thing she can do is just switch up her diet and maybe throw in some sprints 1-2x/week in her cardio regimen. This will give much better, more reliable & permanent results w/o the unpredictable side effects.
Go post her training & diet schedule on the women's board & I bet we can find a couple easy things to tweak to get the results she's looking for less time than it would take to order a new cycle and run it.