G'dammit that sucks, they work for me! I don't know why they're not showing properly .... but I'll tell ya... if you like muscles, you'd like these bitches i posted...LOL
Any help or suggestions on how to post pics from my comp harddrive? I see where i can attach files, but theres no 'upload' button like there usually is, hmmm. Alittle help here to get some action going bros is much appreciated, hehe.
I'll take the small serving cap of Nyquil. Crack the egg open and put it on a plate, don't break the yolk. Put the cap over the yolk and tilt the plate and all the whites will slide off easily.
why the hell would you want to separate eggs for....you people need to educate your selves..
cholesterol is a precurser to testosterone,,,you need all you can get..you people are to funny
well if you right click on the red x's and check the properties you can see that they say file:///C:/bitch2.bmp...which means the reason you see them and we don't is because they are on your computer...you need to attach or upload them for us to see them...since they are .bmp's they probably are friggin huge though. convert to .jpg then upload