stats-----24 years old. 5'11''. 200lbs. Not sure on the bf%, probably around 13-15%. Maybe you guys will have a better idea where im at bf wise.
cycle will be as follows----
1-4 Dbol 30mg/day Today I did 10mg upon rising and 20mg about 2 hours before workout.
1-6 Test E 500mg/week I may extend it to 7 weeks. We'll see as that time gets closer
Creatine Throughout cycle. OR at least for the first 4 weeks than during PCT as well
pct---starting 2 weeks after last pin
8-12 PostCycle/Unleashed combo
8-12 Fadogia Agrestis 1000mg/day
8-12 Clomid 25mg/day
I will be low dosing Forma throughout cycle and most likely into PCT.
Goal----As much clean mass as possible
starting measurements-----
Arms 17''
forearms 14 1/4''
chest 46 1/4''
waist 32 3/4''
thigh 24''
calf 16''
Training will be an FST-7 based routine. Concentrating on building strength in the 6-10 rep range for the first 4 weeks so I will be able to use heavier weight for the final 4 weeks in the 10-15 rep range.
Monday- Legs(Hams in the morning, quads at night)
Tuesday- Calves and Chest (calves first)
Wednesday- OFF
Thursday- Abs and Back (abs first)
Friday- Calves and Shoulders (calves first)
Saturday- Abs, Bi's and Tri's (abs first)
Sunday- OFF
I will post up my complete training routine for each muscle group on each training day, with weight used and all that.
what do you guys think of my dbol dosing?
I will be posting up pic's and videos every now and then for you guys. With final pics at the end as well.
If you guys would like I will post up my nutrition plan for the next 8 weeks. Let me know and I will get to work on that for you guys as well.
Thanks for stopping by, let me know if you have any questions or comments
the pics I uploaded were taken today
If your only gonna do 6 weeks why not run test p?
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