Arms Today
Concentration Curls: 20x8, 20x8, 25x8, 30x8, 35x8, 40x8, 45x8
Standing D-bell Hammer Curls: 40x8, 45x8, 50x8, 60x6
Standing EZ-Bar Curls: 70x10, 80x10, 90x10
Cable Preacher Curls: 70x10, 90x10, 110x10, 130x10
Dip Machine: 200x8, 200x15, 245x8, 270x10
Straight-Bar Push Downs: 90x10, 130x10, 160x10, 200x10
Skull Crushers: 70x10, 90x10, 100x8
Rope Push Downs: 7's with 60 sec. rest between sets: 70x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 90x10, 100x10 drop set to 70x8
Had a F-in CRAZY pump. Looked pretty Massive. Early workout for me today and weighed in at 207 with one meal in me. So thats good. I should be at least 210 by the end of next week. Hoping to see at least 220 on the scale before the DBOL is dropped.
For those of you that have ran D-bol, what happens to the strength gains once you drop it? I mean im running 500mg/test per week. Can I expect to keep getting stronger once I drop the dbol, or does the strength usually drop off?