Great Q, you are right i need to increase my protein. thanks for the info on bi's tri's. And yes if i could develope my back and shoulders too that would be great. chest is just where i like it. Where should my calorie count be if i want a little extra lean muscle i have those thin arms and boneyish shoulders.
You should be eating AT LEAST 1700 calories a day. 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carbs is a good starting point. You should know; however, that it is impossible to gain muscle without gaining a little fat. After you've got the muscle you want, then you can cut to take the fat off. Don't let that discourage you. Most models get the "skinnyfat syndrome" where they're skinny - but giggly because they've concentrated on eating WAYYY to little and only doing cardio. Don't be one of those girls - that's gross!!!
Also for the inner thigh i want to get that gap back. Would that machine where you sit in , legs extended, where you push together or out ward. Would that be most beneficial to that area thanks scopriogirl.
The adductor, abductor machine will work the muscles on the inner and outer thigh - it WILL NOT reduce fat. If you have fat in that area, you need cardio to reduce it.
BTW i just order calipers and YES
Awesome! If you like the YES, there are a few other supps you might like from the AF Store, also! Curious to know your bf%. Keep us posted on that. Good luck!
You should be eating AT LEAST 1700 calories a day. 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carbs is a good starting point. You should know; however, that it is impossible to gain muscle without gaining a little fat. After you've got the muscle you want, then you can cut to take the fat off. Don't let that discourage you. Most models get the "skinnyfat syndrome" where they're skinny - but giggly because they've concentrated on eating WAYYY to little and only doing cardio. Don't be one of those girls - that's gross!!!
Also for the inner thigh i want to get that gap back. Would that machine where you sit in , legs extended, where you push together or out ward. Would that be most beneficial to that area thanks scopriogirl.
The adductor, abductor machine will work the muscles on the inner and outer thigh - it WILL NOT reduce fat. If you have fat in that area, you need cardio to reduce it.
BTW i just order calipers and YES
Awesome! If you like the YES, there are a few other supps you might like from the AF Store, also! Curious to know your bf%. Keep us posted on that. Good luck!